Pressure Die Castings uses TransLution™ to post data directly to SYSPRO

Pressure Die Castings, an innovative supplier of brass, aluminium and zinc castings, uses Translution™ to create inventory (gasket and box) labels and to post a first level backflush directly to SYSPRO. Translution™ validates that there is sufficient quantity of the components in the first level of the Bill of Materials before posting.

The inventory labels are scanned to transfer stock from one bin to another, posting a Bin Transfer automatically to SYSPRO.  When a user scans a box label the source bin, stock code and quantity are taken directly from the label so the user is only required to enter the target bin. At the request of PDC, gaskets are not labelled individually, so if the user scans an individual gasket label they are required to capture the information regarding stock code and quantity manually. This encourages users to scan box labels wherever possible since that requires far less operator input.

Pressure Die Castings also uses Translution™ to manage their warehouse transfers and dispatch processes. For both processes, the user creates a pick slip for a specific sales order, picks stock by scanning inventory onto a pallet based on the pick slip, views all picked data in a grid and selects lines from the grid to dispatch or transfer. When transferring stock, a warehouse transfer is posted directly to SYSPRO. When dispatching stock, Translution™ validates that the sales order status is correct and that the quantities to dispatch do not exceed the quantities on the sales order. It then raises a Dispatch Note in SYSPRO.


PDC is an innovative supplier of brass, aluminum and zinc castings to the South African and international markets. The company is a specialist die caster which has been in business since 1952.

TransLution™ software was developed to assist manufacturing, warehousing and distribution companies to better manage their business processes and stock handling. The TransLution™ product is particularly focussed on robust integration to customers’ existing ERP, accounting and stock management software for a wide range of transactions. TransLution™ is distributed in Africa by Afrisoft Africa (Pty) Ltd and in Europe by K3 SYSPRO.

Afrisoft Africa (Pty) Ltd was founded in 1998 to serve the specialised needs of agribusiness, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution companies. Afrisoft provides consulting services for business improvement and distributes, implements and supports TransLution™, AGRIS™ and other business improvement software in Africa.


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