Astrapak JJ Precision uses TransLution Software to Print Job Labels and Scan Items for Job Receipts

Astrapak JJ Precision is the fifth Astrapak site to go live using TransLution. JJ Precision’s manufacturing operation produces moulds for the food and beverage, personal care, petrochemical and industrial/ automotive sectors.

At this site, TransLution is used to print Job labels and to scan items for job receipt purposes. All job receipts are posted to SYSPRO and once boxes have been receipted, they can be packed onto a pallet as part of a pallet building process. There are also scanning functions to post raw material issues to jobs.

In addition to the production scanning, there are also various warehouse inventory scanning transactions where items can be moved between bins in the same warehouse or they can be put into transit at the source warehouse and taken out of transit once they reach the destination warehouse. All of these transactions are posted directly to SYSPRO.

There are a range of printing and re-printing functions supported and TransLution is used to print Job labels, Pallet labels and Goods in Transit documents. TransLution is also used to post and print Dispatch notes as goods are dispatched against a sales order.

As with the other Astrapak sites, TransLution is also used to assist with stock-take process by allowing a scanner-based stock-take to be done and the results posted directly to SYSPRO.

Read about the other Astrapak implementations:

Astrapak Plastop Implements TransLution™ Software to Pre-Print Labels

Consupaq utilises TransLution™ to improve receiving and job processes

Marcom uses TransLution™ to improve job functions

Thermopac and Pak2000 choose TransLution™ for label printing and scanning

Pak2000 utilises TransLution™ Software to streamline the manufacture process

About RPC Astrapak

RPC Astrapak is a specialised manufacturer of an extensive range of rigid moulded, and thermoformed plastic packaging products serving the African market. The Group focuses on innovation-led growth in plastic packaging and is structured for long-term sustainability through a balance of organic and project-based growth.

About TransLution™ Software

TransLution™ Software was developed to assist manufacturing, warehousing and distribution companies to better manage their business processes and stock handling. The TransLution™ product is particularly focused on robust integration to customers’ existing ERP, accounting and stock management software for a wide range of transactions. TransLution™ is distributed in Africa by Afrisoft Africa (Pty) Ltd and in Europe by K3 SYSPRO.

About Afrisoft Africa

Afrisoft Africa (Pty) Ltd was founded in 1998 to serve the specialised needs of agribusiness, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution companies. Afrisoft provides consulting services for business improvement and distributes, implements and supports TransLution™, AGRIS™ and other business improvement software in Africa.


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